Saturday, July 9, 2011


Oh. My. God. New Kids on the Block + Backstreet Boys = the most awesome concert. For real. I’ve seen NKOTB three times now and this was the best yet. I also saw BSB waaay back in 2000 and I either forgot how awesome they are or they got a lot better. It was a night full of crotch grabbing, pelvic thrusting, ass shaking, abs flashing and shirt ripping. I liked it. A lot. Oh, there was also a whole lot of harmonies and amazing choreography. Here's me and my childhood best friend waitin' for the show to start:

Mr. Schuester Matthew Morrison opened. I wasn’t expecting much but he was pretty great. He sang a few covers and songs from Glee like Sway, Golddigger, Mrs. Robinson and the Don’t Stand So Close To Me/Young Girl mash up (one of my favorites). He sang a few of his own songs too, which I had never heard before. They weren’t bad at all. He danced extremely well and played ukulele and looked dreamy while doing it all. I wasn’t really a huge fan before. Well, except for this aspect. I think I totally am now.

The stage was cool, very similar to Britney's. There was a main stage and a B stage connected by a really long catwalk. The catwalk was huge, not just a little runway, and they performed entire songs and dance routines on it. And both stages had elevated platforms that they used all the time.

They performed songs together.

The Kids performed some.

And the Boys performed some.

They all made their way into the crowd at one point too. Jordan was about ten rows below me.

Donnie walked up the aisle right by my row, but I was six people in so I didn’t get close. See him in the white hat?

And Howie and AJ walked down the aisle by my row too, but I couldn’t get a picture. Songs were remixed with Raspberry Beret (Prince), Poison (Bel Biv Devo), Back in Black (AC/DC), Viva la Vida (Coldplay), Push It (Salt n Pepa), Don’t Stop Till You Get Enough (Michael Jackson) and We Will Rock You (Queen). In my opinion, BSB was a little better. They were edgier (as much as a boy band can be) and since their songs aren’t from the 80s the lyrics and original choreography wasn’t as cheesy. They also tweaked every song; the fast ones were more of a rock vibe and the slow ones were jazzy. NKOTB relied heavily on their old hits, which is totally fine, but I really like their new stuff and they only played three newer songs. Also, Jordan’s falsetto is fine in moderation, but with his two minute high pitched solo, it kind of got embarrassing. He’s still my favorite though!

I gotta say, Nick had it goin’ on. I liked him back in the day, but not this much! He looked good, sounded perfect and danced his ass off. I love him. (And yeah, I did watch that train wreck of a reality show a few years ago. Still love him). He’s the one who sang the Raspberry Beret part of Quit Playing Games. I was so busy singing along (I love Prince) to record it, but I found this on YouTube from a different city. It was one of my favorite parts of the show.


I really think more bands should co-headline. It was non-stop. While one band was performing, there was time for the other to change clothes and rest after a few songs (you know they needed it, they are old men now!) but the action was never interrupted. Every song seemed like a finale. Fireworks, smoke, confetti, streamers, and explosions were happening throughout the show. I hate to say it, because I love my dear Britney, but they put on a better show. It’s not fair to put them against each other because she’s one woman and they are nine hot guys with lots of harmonizing goin’ on, but if I had to choose right now to go to see one show over the other, I’d pick NKOTBSB in a second.

If you like what you see, stay tuned for Man Candy Monday!

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