Thursday, July 14, 2011

Blog Award!

Thank you so much for your comments and messages yesterday! Nolan’s surgery went well and we were home and resting by lunch time. He was a very scared and sad in the beginning and didn’t want anyone to touch him or even look at him. But afterwards, with the effects of the anesthesia still in place, he was calm and didn’t care who talked to him or what they did. It also helped that they played a Bob the Builder movie in recovery.

I did well too! I was a big girl and didn’t shed one tear. I stayed calm and positive even though the 56 minutes he was out of my arms was the longest of my life. I also felt like puking when we finally got to see him and he had IVs and machines attached to him. It’s kind of heartbreaking. But I am so thankful that it was just a minor procedure.

And since I’m so positive and happy today, I thought it would be the perfect time to accept this Sunshine Award I got from Jessica over at You Are My Color a few weeks ago.

Sorry it’s taken me so long to pass it on. Thank you so much, Jessica! She’s the cutest and sweetest and has a really great blog. Go check her out! You'll love her, too.

So, I've got to tell you some things about me. Hmmm... I’m following Jessica’s suit and going with some randoms.

  • I’ve been to some amazing cities of the world: Paris, London, Venice, Rome, Florence, Amsterdam, Vancouver, New York City, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Waikiki and more. But Disneyland just might be my favorite vacation spot. 

  • I have always been able to fall asleep at the drop of a hat. I just turn off the light, roll onto my stomach and I’m out in 60 seconds or less. However, if I wake up in the middle of the night, any time after 3:00 am, I’m up for the morning. It’s ridiculous. No matter how hard I try, I can’t get back to sleep. Luckily my husband is an amazing man and gets up with the kids if they wake up. I snagged a good one, ladies! He doesn’t like it when I fall asleep in the car though…

  • One of my favorite nighttime snacks is microwaved popcorn with melted butter and powder cheese mix from the Kraft Macaroni & Cheese packet. Hey! Don’t knock it till you try it. It’s messy and greasy and you get orange cheese fingers, but it is soooo good. It’s not good for you, so I don’t eat it often.

  • I bought a second TiVo, an iPhone 4 and a Nook in one week. These should keep me busy, right? I’m done spending on electronics for a loooooong time!

  • I prefer to drink out of cups rather than glasses. For all drinks: water, milk, juice, soda, even wine, champagne or vodka. Lip marks on the rim of a glass really give me the creeps, even if it's my own.

  • I might have got a little teary watching Atlantis lift-off last week. After watching the movie Space Camp on repeat as a kid, visiting Kennedy Space Center and watching the Endeavour lift-off when I was 12, I kinda wanted to be an astronaut. Then I found out you have to be really, really good at math. I was not. I’m also blind and too tall. I didn’t even have a chance. I'm gonna miss the shuttle program.

  • I love putting away items when I get home from shopping. Groceries, bathroom stuff, clothes, even diapers. I love unwrapping it all and putting it where it belongs. It’s the OCD in me.

And now I'm passing The Sunshine Award on to these fine ladies:

Go check them all out and tell them I sent ya!

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