Friday, July 22, 2011

Katy Perry

On Wednesday night my sister, BFF and I saw Katy Perry in concert. To be honest, I wasn’t thrilled about going. I felt like I was on the verge of getting a cold or flu (which I was. I'm full blown sick right now with head cold/respiratory infection). Plus, I was out the night before watching the new musical Aladdin at the 5th Avenue Theater with my mom and only got about five hours of sleep. And I’m not a huge Katy Perry fan. I have both of her CDs and I like her music just fine, but I don’t love it. We bought the tickets back in January for something fun to do and they were only $45, so why not go?

Apparently my BFF and sister were feeling the same way. No one was super excited about being there, like we were for Britney or NKOTBSB. We kinda sorta jammed to the opener Janelle Monáe. She was pretty fun.

Then a DJ played some top 40 to get everyone dancing. After he left the stage, we waited. And waited. And waited. Why do they do that? The main event should happen right after the openers, not 45 minutes later. It’s not like they have to set up the stage or do sound checks like at festival shows! Britney did the same thing. So annoying.

Finally Katy started. We weren’t too impressed during the first few songs. Her latest CD isn’t the best and she sang a lot of unreleased tracks from that one. We were watching while sitting (which we never do), my sister was busy texting her friend and my BFF was on Facebook and Twitter. After about eight songs, my BFF left. He had to work at 5:00 am and wasn’t into the show at all so he thought he should go home and get some sleep. Lame. Right after he left it got really good.

The stage was colorful, fun and full of candy. She had adorable costumes. The movies that played during set changes were about her dreaming of a candy land, searching for her cat and her crush, the bakery boy. Just about every song had a different costume and theme. Here are the ones I really liked. (My pictures suck. We were pretty far away.)

Teenage Dream
Those peppermints on her dress were spinning.

Full on peacock tail feathers.

I Kissed a Girl
Very slow and jazzy.

Total laser show awesomeness.

She sang high on a platform while two aerialists did their thing.
At one point they made a swing out of their bodies and lifted Katy into the air.

Not Like the Movies
Her swing was raised and images of lovey dovey vintage cartoons were projected.
Very similar to her Grammy performance. And bubbles blew everywhere.

Only Girl in the World, Big Pimpin’, Friday, Whip My Hair
She did a little acoustic set singing the above covers.

Thinking of You
She climbed onto a pink cloud and was elevated above the crowd, pretty much right in front of me.

Hot n Cold
She went through 6 or 7 costumes during this song, changing instantly behind little screens on stage.
It was pretty cute.

I Wanna Dance with Somebody
Whitney Houston’s cover was awesome. I danced the most to this song!
She brought up a ton of people from the crowd to dance with her.

Awesome! The crowd was singing along so loudly, you couldn’t hear her at all. It was a pyrotechnic spectacular.

California Gurls
Beach balls came flying out for the crowd to play with.
At the end she sprayed the people up front in whip cream and then doused them in glitter.
Her version of tar and feathering?

I never thought she did very well live, but she really blew me away with her voice. She didn’t lip sync once and as far as I could tell, she wasn’t singing along to a track either. She had a full band and backup singers. And she mooooved. She was all over the stage, running, jumping and dancing. I was impressed. It was cheesy and corny, but I had a lot of fun and I’m glad I went!

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