Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Christmas in July

Nolan has to have surgery today. It’s nothing major; he has a blockage at the opening of his urethra. Normally, the procedure wouldn’t be a big deal, but since he’s two years old he has to be put under anesthesia. Of course I am FREAKING out. I couldn’t sleep last night and I feel like I'm going to cry this morning. But it’s only going to take fifteen minutes and the urologist does these all the time. Nolan will first be put to sleep with gas so they don’t scare him with the IV. He’ll also get a local anesthetic so he won’t feel any pain all day long. He should be back to his normal self tomorrow and should be peeing straight soon too! We noticed the blockage as soon as we started potty training. His stream went up when his thing was pointed down. We knew something was up. Now I won’t have to help him go potty ten times a day.

Since I’m trying to stay positive, I’ve been thinking about Christmas. It’s my favorite time of year and makes me happy and filled with hope. So here are some Christmas in July images. Enjoy! And send all your good thoughts to me for my baby!

P.S. I could never get used to Christmas in a warm climate. So strange.

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