Tuesday, July 26, 2011

In Honor of Rachel

Have you heard the story about Rachel yet? She was my friend’s 9 year old cousin. She wanted her friends and family to donate to Charity: Water instead of giving her presents for her birthday back on June 12. Her goal was to raise $300 to help 15 kids in an African village that don’t have clean water to drink. What a selfless and thoughtful little girl! She ended up falling short, raising just $220.

Two weeks ago, she was critically injured in a car accident on 1-90. A semi jackknifed into a logging truck and caused a 15 car pileup. Unfortunately her spinal cord was severed and there was nothing the doctors could do so she was taken off life support over the weekend. As word of her death spread, so did the news about her fundraising effort. The story made the local and national news.

So far more than 4,500 people have donated over $220,000. This will give clean water to 11,000 people! I’ve said it before (here, here and here) that clean water is the cause I'm most passionate about and Charity: Water is my favorite charity. I donate every year and just did again in honor of that amazing little girl. Will you do the same? Go here. I know her family is proud of the girl they raised and I hope that they can find some peace in her death knowing that she is saving the lives of people all over the world.

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