Monday, July 25, 2011

What a Weekend

I came down with a cold on Thursday. By Friday morning it was a full blown respiratory infection: cough, sore throat, sneeze, stuffy nose, plugged ears, fever, chills…all of it. I was having a really hard time breathing because my lungs and trachea were coated with phlegm (more on that later this week). Jacob stayed home from work so I could stay in bed all day and I didn’t really get out until this morning. With Nyquil, I slept about twelve hours each night. I came out of my room to eat breakfast and dinner with my family. I tried to cuddle my babies without contaminating them and then went back to bed. I took two long naps a day and I passed the rest of my time reading and ridding my TiVo of bad TV.

I watched the last few episodes of The Real Housewives of New York City.
What a boring season. These ladies are still my favorite though.

I watched the first few episodes of Flipping Out. I still love everything about it.
Jeff Lewis is awesome and it’s interesting to see him working with his boyfriend.

I watched the first episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey.
Intense. I can’t wait to get into more episodes.

I watched the entire series of The World According to Paris. I didn’t hate it. Obviously, since I watched the whole thing.
I was surprised that I liked Brooke Mueller. She was very real and I found that refreshing.
Paris was well, Paris. I couldn't believe how much she still works. Aren't we over her?

And I finally I watched the final four episodes of Grey’s Anatomy. They have been sitting there since May!
This is one show I have a hard time watching in a row because I cry during every single episode.
This time was no exception!

For my reading pleasure, I dove into the stack of magazines that resides next to my bed.
This included six back issues of US Weekly, and a few of each of the following:
Rolling Stone, Parents, Family Fun, Entertainment Weekly and Glamour.

I also started New York: The Novel on my Nook.

I lived on Nyquil, Mucinex, saline and ibuprofen.

And to soothe my sore throat, I ate tons and tons of Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches and
Whole Fruit frozen organic juice. These frozen juice tubes are the best!

I finally started to feel better on Sunday night and was getting a bit of cabin fever. I decided to go get a Mystic just to get out of the house and because nothing else was open. I might as well have a tan to try to mask how sick I look, right? I woke up this morning feeling better, but I’m nowhere near 100%. I’m still totally exhausted and my cough will be around for a while. And now my kids are sick. They both woke up with runny/stuffy noses. I hope it’s just a little cold and will pass soon, but you’ll have to forgive me if I’m not around much this week. They are super whiny and need so much attention right now. Luckily, my husband just went to work for a few meetings and should be home by lunch time to help me out with our rug rats.

I have a feeling it’s going to be a long week.

On a positive note, we had thunder and lightning for two hours this morning. That was fun!
And I’m excited to watch the season premiere of Entourage that aired last night.

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