Thursday, July 28, 2011

August Magazine Roundup

Heidi Klum - Glamour
She's just so freakin' perfect. Always fresh-faced and happy. I love her.

Emma Watson - Harper's Bazaar UK
I love the pictures in the meadow. She's gonna make it in the fashion world!

Jessica Alba - Allure
Pretty! I wish I could see more. 

Lindsay Lohan - Vanity Fair
How is she getting so much work on house arrest? I have a soft spot for her, but she looks awful here.

Lily Allen - Elle UK
Love it all. Hair, clothes, face. Lily can do no wrong in my book.

Mila Kunis - GQ
I know GQ is a men's magazine, but these are too trashy for me. They remind me of this video.
She's gorgeous as always though.

Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake - Elle
Now this is more like it! Hot. Hot. Hot.

Shia LeBeouf - Details
Not many men on the covers this month. He doesn't look bad at all, but I feel like he's kinda douchey.

Taylor Swift - Teen Vogue
I really do like Taylor, but not this spread. From the hair to makeup, clothes and styling.
It looks like it's been hosed down with Pepto-Bismol. Quick, name that movie!
She looks like a young Nicole Kidman on the cover.

Sarah Jessica Parker - Vogue
I love it. She looks amazing, the clothes are perfect and it's a fun and original photo shoot.

Jake Gyllenhaal - GQ Australia
It's not a new photo shoot, but they are naming him one of their 2011 Men of Style. I like!

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