Friday, June 3, 2011

Fri 3rd June: Arnhem Mode Biennale - threeASFOUR & Christian Wassmann

Whenever my NYC friends threeASFOUR fly to Europe to exhibit, I always try to travel to catch up with them. This has taken me to Paris, Lausanne, Santiago Del Campostela and most recently Arnhem for the Mode Biennale. It is the second time they have been approached to take part in the showcase and for this year's brief they chose to collaborate with architect Christian Wassmann. The installation is a continuation from the "Fibonacci Spiral"inspired sculpture created for the site specific structure built for their S/S11 show. In this instance models appeared from a white curved sculpture on which projections of fractals span to set the scene for the cosmic collection.
Taking the theme of string musical instruments from their A/W 11 show, threeASFOUR expanded the scale of the accessories to realise a giant size version to suspend a heart shaped dress, specially made for the Biennale's muse Amber:

"Consciousness is one of the greatest mysteries of humanity. Deep down within our physical selves, our bodies are nothing more than fields of energy. If we could zoom in with a super powerful microscope we would find that our atoms are held together by an invisible force, and that the atoms themselves are empty. No matter how closely we look, we can hardly find a substance that isn't just another form of energy contained within seemingly empty space. All the events in our lives are based on the absorption and reflection of this binding energy.
We have tried to grasp this mysterious energy with an installation called "Resonance". Through a string installation of two inverted Fibonacci spirals, one on top, and one at the bottom, and a red multi-textured dress strung through the twisting structure, we want to express a high musical note: the human spirit throughout nature.
The installation is based on sound frequencies that are all around us. Even if these are not audible, they can be used as a reference, converted into vibrations within our range of hearing, and used to make music. For example, hydrogen is the most common element in existence. Hydrogen absorbs and emits energy at 1,420.4057527 KHz. If we take that frequency and transpose it down by 24 octaves , we hit 84.5 Hz, which is very close to an E note , the lowest string on a guitar. since about 90 percent of all matter is hydrogen, including our bodies, then perhaps notes in unison with hydrogen can resonate more harmoniously with matter in general. Learning how to identify and utilise these frequencies and waveforms opens up new frontiers in music and sound design technology"

Without bias or subjective favouritism, I can honestly say it is the best piece in the exhibition! Beautifully thought out and beautifully executed. I can't wait to see the costumes they are currently producing for a couple of musicians world tours...... more news on that soon........

( left to right: Christian, Angela, GABi and ADi of threeASFOUR. Bottom image by Nina Trippel)

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