Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sat 11th June: Kate Moross in Twitpics

Leading on from the last Lazy Oaf post.......... to a profile of an artist who sports their imitable burger beanie hat.......... Kate Moross. Kate has kindly given me permission to share her Twitpics, from which I have pulled together a selection of my favourites - including a blue pavlova made in a blue blender. It seems that Twitter has taken over as an immediate online archive of instant and spontaneous insight into an artist's aesthetic - Kate's is a great example. All the way from studio snaps to recording moments of setting up shows (Pick Me Up seen here) to what socks she is sporting on any particular day! Brilliant and so much fun to see pop up in your timeline - a much appreciated dose of colour in the newsfeed ............................................................................. follow the prolific image posts here.

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