Thursday, June 30, 2011

Iceland? Really?

(Check back tomorrow for my Britney review!)

I never thought twice about Iceland as a vacation spot. It just seemed cold and well, cold. Plus there are volcanoes and Bjork. What an odd place. But my friends just got back from their honeymoon and after I browsed their Facebook pictures, I realized I kinda want to go! It is really beautiful and Reykjavik seems like a cool city. Apparently it’s one of the trendiest cities in the world with sort of a party atmosphere and lots of cafes. It’s also very architecturally attractive and up on technology.

The other hot spot is an actual hot spot. The Blue Lagoon is their famous geothermal pool. The steamy, warm waters rich in minerals are part of a lava formation. People relax in the 100 degree water, sometimes smearing the white mud on their faces because it’s so good for your skin.

Other attractions are waterfalls, geysers, glaciers, icebergs, volcanoes, lagoons and ocean views. You can also see the Northern Lights for nine months out of the year and you adventurers can take a glacial trek during the winter months.

Because of Iceland’s economic crisis, it’s the ideal time to go. Oh, if only I didn’t have kids…

Another upside is that it would probably be the first time I lost weight on a vacation because they eat tons and tons fish and then weird stuff like pickled sheep testicles and putrefied shark meat.

What do you think? Would you ever go to Iceland?

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