Monday, June 20, 2011

Man Candy Monday – Bradley Cooper

I'm linking up with Join The Gossip today for Man Candy Monday.

I have always found Bradley Cooper charming and sincere as well good looking, so like everyone else in the world, I have a little crush on him. Remember last month when this video came out showing our favorite guy speaking perfect French?

That upped his hotness factor by a million!

Then a few weeks ago, I saw him on Inside The Actor’s Studio (one of my favorite shows) and holy cow do I love him now! It must have been taped last year because his father and Renee Zellweger are both in the audience. Skip to 1:35 to see how he got choked up just introducing his parents.

In his interview, he said he had a blessed life and thanked his parents, friends and teachers for it all. He was so sweet, humble, emotional, smart, funny, gracious, appreciative and you can tell he is thankful for every moment of his life and fame. And of course, he’s very handsome.

If you get a chance to watch his episode of Inside The Actor’s Studio, do it. Watch that above clip on YouTube and you can find the other three parts there. He is so refreshing.

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