Thursday, June 16, 2011

Instant Gratification

I’m seriously in love with Netflix. I’ve been a member since 2003. We still get a few newish movies in the mail each month, but most of the time we’re watching Instant on our Wii or TiVo. My favorite thing to do is watch a TV series. I love the instant gratification. You don’t have to wait until next week to find out what’s going to happen. And I feel like I form stronger connections with the characters when I’m watching the episodes in a row. What? Is that weird? Yes, I do form connections with television characters. Anyway, if you have Netflix, here are a few of my favorite shows that are available for instant streaming.

Much, much better than the US verison. Ricky Gervais is one of my favorite people.
I have to admit though, the first time I watched I had to use subtitles.

Not as good as the UK version, but still very funny.
It's always fun to go back and see the Jim and Pam relationship develop.
They are so boring now.

She's a mess and I love her.

This is my absolute favorite show on television right now.
If you aren't watching, catch up immediately!

Such a smart and hilarious show that ended way too soon.
I'm still waiting on that movie...

Another show that was gone too soon.
It's very witty and quirky. I loved it.

My favorite drama! It's a UK show about teens growing up in Bristol.
It's very dramatic, very scandalous, very heartbreaking, very real, very, very good.
I can't say enough about this show.

I never watched this when it aired, but watched the entire series in three weeks.
It's amazing and addicting and I love Kristen Bell because of it.

I didn't watch this show until I heard Rob Lowe was going to be on.
 I went back and watched the first two seasons and was pleasantly surprised.
It's really good and I'm in love with the entire cast! Even Jerry. And Kyle.

I loved this show. It was another one that ended too soon.
Christina Applegate can do no wrong in my book.
It was a sweet and funny comedy. I miss it.

I lived for this show when it aired and recently started watching it again. 
It's fun to relive the insanity.

You can watch every single episode of SNL. That's just crazy!
My favorite are the Justin Timberlake episodes.

And these are the shows I plan to watch soon.

I've never seen a single episode. I got the idea to watch it from Leeann.
I'm excited to get started.

So many people loved this show.
I'm a history nerd and an anglophile, so I think I'll like it, too.

I watched the first episode the other day and fell asleep.
I'm going to give it another shot.

I remember my dad and sister watching this when it aired in 1994.
I just learned Rob Lowe was in it, so now it's on my must see list.
(I'm seriously in love with Rob right now).

What are you guys watching? Do you have any suggestions?

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