Monday, May 9, 2011

Man Candy Monday - Rob Lowe

My pick for this week's Man Candy Monday at Join the Gossip is such a hottie. I was too young to see St. Elmo’s fire, so I wasn’t obsessed with Rob Lowe back in the 80s. My crush developed when he played Benjamin in Wayne’s World. Even though he was the bad guy, I liked him.

Then I’m pretty sure I didn’t see anything else he was in until he played Sam on The West Wing. And this time I crushed hard and never looked back. I was so bummed that his character got written off. I loved him.

I was so happy when he joined the cast of Brothers and Sisters. I had never watched that show before, but when I heard he was going to be on, I watched every episode. Then he got killed off! He has the worst luck.

But he moved over to Parks and Recreation. I watched this show a few times but didn’t really love it. As soon as I found out Rob would be a regular, I started watching. He plays a pretty hilarious character. So I Netflixed the previous seasons and fell in love with the show. Now I never miss an episode.

How could I? Just look at him!

Also, I just got his book. I can't wait to start reading it!

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