Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sat 14th May: Matthew Stone - Forever Rules (Part I)

Last evening Matthew Stone opened the first installment of two solo exhibitions featuring his new works of sculpture and digital photo-collage on wood. The images depicted in pastel hue soaked birch plywood are a soft and sensitive addition to his recent shift into lighter shades. Moving on from his signature shiny and darker palette portraiture, this matt medium has made the nudes even more visibly tactile. Graphic elements have sneaked in to the anatomy with the curves of the body formations dissected by slices of ivory white geometry. These architectural elements almost fall of the wall and end up echoed in a floor based sculpture “Forever Rules”. Matthew actually hand made the hinged dodecahedron himself, getting to grips with carpentry in oak and birch. Being a fan of Polyhedrons and all things geodesic and cosmic myself, I immediately fell in love with this piece. Not least for the evidently labour intensive canvas cut into squares and reassembled on cloth in a tiled grid.
The show is on until the end of June, so make a trip to Union Gallery to see this small scale delicate work up close and personal......

Matthew Stone - Forever Rules (Part I)
Union Gallery
94 Teesdale Street, E2 6PU
London, United Kingdom
14th May 2011 - 25th June 2011

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