Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I don’t buy books unless I really love them and want to read them over and over. I guess this is why I’m so reluctant to buy a Nook. The Seattle Public Library lets you check out eBooks, but they don’t have new releases and that’s typically what I read. So I continue to put books on hold at the local library and make my way down there twice a month to pick them up. I like it there. It’s quiet and calming and everyone is so helpful and friendly. I love taking Nolan there, too. The librarians are always so sweet to him and offer us tons of suggestions based on what he’s into this week. He gets to color and play with puzzles and just has a lot of fun. We’re old school. By the way, the second we get home, I disinfect the books. I like the library, but not that much.

Have you seen the Seattle central libary? It's a work of art.

Construction was completed in 2004 on this glass and steel building. Its 11 stories hold 1.4 million books, 400 computers and an underground parking garage. The atrium extends from the 3rd floor to the 11th and although I don’t really have a fear of heights, it is kind of creepy up there looking down.

On the “Meeting Level” the stairs, walls, floors and ceilings are blood red.

The books are kept in the “Book Spiral” with the Dewey Decimal system right on the floor. There are no stairs though, it’s just a ramp, wrapping around and around from 000 to 999 for four floors.

And all throughout the library are these fluorescent yellow escalators.

I don’t go to this library often because I don’t live downtown Seattle. Plus, as beautiful as it is, it is a public place. Meaning anyone and everyone can hang out there. During the winter, a lot of homeless people seek warmth and sometimes the elevators smell like urine. Lovely, I know.

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