Monday, May 30, 2011

Man Candy Monday - Milo Ventimiglia

First up, my newest bloggy friend, Christianna, featured me today in her “Any Friend of Mine” series. So head on over to The Girl With The Blue Bow, read my interview and then stay awhile. Her blog has become an instant favorite of mine!

Now let's get to the candy.

I’ve had a crush on Milo Ventimigla since he played Jess on Gilmore Girls. I always wanted Rory to end up with him. I think he's hot and I kinda like his crooked mouth. Plus, he looks good in a suit. Or shirtless. Take your pick.

Since Heroes ended, I haven’t really seen much of him. He'll be in The Divide later this year. It's a post-apocalyptic thriller about eight survivors hiding in the basement of their apartment building. After getting settled in, a hazmat team comes to rescue them. Or so they thought. The hazmat team ends up attacking them. I pretty much like every post-apocalyptic movie, so I’ll probably see this. Check out the trailer:

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