Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Blast from the past

My past caught up with me. In April 1974, as a 19 year old, I went to teach in Kai Chung school in a little town of Binatang, now known as Bintangor. Fresh from High School, I was enthusiastic. I stayed in the town and on the school compound. Some of the staff stayed there too, so we had a good camaraderie.

I made a lot of friends and was known as Miss Chan. the school came from a Chinese background and respect was valued highly.

Now some of these students have found me on Facebook, and I feel nostalgic as it was my first job. I also found a family and they treated me as one of their own. That's the Chew family. Sadly, the son whom I did teach had died. See my tribute when I heard his sad news.http://annkschin.blogspot.com/2009/01/chew-yaw-kok-belated-tribute.html

It is great to be connected again. If you were, especially one of those students in Form 2A, and all those I had taught, please get in touch. I remember meeting Peter Tang Ing Bing in 1986, he was either a medical student or doctor then, and the other student who was an engineer. We met at the Kuching ? Singapore airport? Otherwise, I have not seen any of you since I left for Canada in Sept 1975. The rest of you, you are my friends, not students. I shall love hearing from you.

As regarding the past catching up with me, hopefully I haven't done too many bad things.

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