Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Quit with the double standard already!!

I meant to address this before but it's getting too out of hand, so I have to say something. I'm so over some of you ignorant guys and gals with this whole "if you wear sneakers over the age of 18 you're not a lady" mentality! I mean really, is this not 2011?! Now I expect that weak mentality to come from a weak ass dude but to come from another female? Girl boom let me sock it to you, wearing heels does not make you a lady, taking care of your responsibilities does. Women who work 40 or more hours a week, pay bills, and take care of their family are REAL WOMEN and wearing heels has nothing to do with it! You folks really need to get over this whole sneakers equal immaturity crap! Cause I have met a whole lot of women and men in my life who rock "mature" footwear but do some really immature things. Just because I have a vagina and I'm over 18 doesn't mean I need to only be wearing heels. I'm gonna wear what the hell I like and that happens to be kicks! And that doesn't make me any less of a lady than Michelle Obama! So while you naysayers are being immature with your "grown" footwear, my mature sneaker loving self will remain fly and always a lady!

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