Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday 23rd May: Diane Pernet's “Inspirational Gallery” of jewellery designers at Vicenzaoro

Incandescent Meta-morph-incessant Fred Butler A/W 2011 directed by Elisha Smith-Leverock from Elisha Smith-Leverock on Vimeo.

Diane Pernet was asked to curate a selection of seven jewellery designers who communicate their brand through film for a show as part of the Gold Fair "Vicenaoro" in Venice. Diane asked Elisha to use our "Incandescent Meta Morph Incessant" film s part of the programme alongside work of Jordan Askill, Mario Salvucci, Heaven Tanudiredja, Jules Kim, Vernissage Project (Ilenia Corti and Matteo Mena) and Arielle De Pinto.
Here is a still of our film being projected in an open-air screening which complemented an exhibition of the designer's accessories called the “inspirational gallery”. Head over to Diane's site to see photos from her trip and the fair .......
Diane's pioneering Fashion Film Festival ASVOFF is currently open for submissions to be part of the 4th year's schedule launching in Fall 2011 .......... click here for submission details.

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