Monday, May 23, 2011

Music Monday - My jams

Remember when I told you about a little concert around these parts called Ladies Night Out? Well, there was a Ladies Night Out Volume 2 a few months ago. Take a look at who showed up:

Bel Biv DeVoe – Poison

It's driving me out of my mind
That's why it's hard for me to find
Can't get it outta my head
Miss her, kiss her, love her
That girl is poison
Never trust a big butt and smile
That girl is poison

SWV – Weak

I get so weak in the knees I can hardly speak
I lose all control and something takes over me
In a daze, your love's so amazing, it's not a phase
I want you to stay with me, by my side
I swallow my pride, your love is so sweet
It knocks me right off of my feet
I can't explain why your loving makes me weak

Al B. Sure – Night and Day

I'll love you more in the rain or shine
And makin' love in the rain is fine
A love so good and I call it mine
Love is blind
I can tell you how I feel about you night and day
How I feel about you

No, I didn’t make it to this concert either, but aren’t those songs so great? They bring me right back to elementary and middle school, especially Weak by SWV. That was our jam in 8th grade! We all requested that song at school dances and at Skateland for couples skate. And I can't believe I used to sing, "Me and the crew used to do her" from the song Poison in front of my mom when I was 11! Just remember, never trust a big butt and a smile.

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