Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Can You Read This?

A few weeks ago I was tagged by The Girl With The Blue Bow for this handwriting game. Sorry it took so long, Christianna! Here it is in all its messy, sloppy glory.

1. Name and blog title
2. Blog url
3. Write "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
4. Favorite quote
5. Favorite songs - right now and of all time
6. Favorite artists
7. A phrase you say often
8. Tag new people to play

I swear I used to have better handwriting, but I haven’t worked for over three years. Since I mostly just type at home, I don’t have the practice anymore and it gets illegible quickly. My husband can never read the bottom of the grocery or to do lists.

And if you couldn't read that, the phrase (well, word) I say most often is ew. I know, I’m like a 13 year old girl. Check out this clip of Jimmy Fallon and Emma Stone and you’ll get an idea what it’s like to hang out with me.

I’m not that bad, I promise. It’s a pretty funny clip though!

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