Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Instagram Kind Of Weekend

I have been feeling a wee bit antisocial lately. I think it’s just everything that’s gone on these past few weeks: Nolan’s surgery, my sinus/respiratory infection (that still isn't gone!!) and then my surgery. I haven't had any fun plans for three weeks! Since I'm finally feel healthy and recovered I decided I had to get out this weekend and I captured it all with my phone and newest app.

Friday night was a much needed hair appointment - cut and color. It's A LOT shorter than I wanted. She cut off three inches. I only asked for two. Why do they always do that? It makes a HUGE difference when your hair is this short. And they should know that it's always longer wet. It's also a shade darker now, which I love. I’m ready for fall!

Afterwards, I met my sister for dinner at our favorite little Italian place and then we saw Crazy, Stupid, Love. I cried a few times, but didn't dwell because something would make me laugh out loud right after. I really couldn't stand the babysitter, but I loved the rest of the cast to pieces. Ryan and Emma's story was so sweet. I love them both!

On Saturday, we finally got around to checking out the mini steam trains at our local park.

Then Nolan got a new book from the library for reading ten hours with me this summer. We actually read close to forty since we read at least 30 minutes a day, but ten hours was all you needed for a new book.

Saturday night I had plans to hang out with my BFF, without really knowing what we were going to do. At the last minute we decided to catch the Mariners v. Red Sox game with my sister and her husband. The Mariners scored five runs in the first inning. Intense! We won 5-4.

Sunday was a much needed stay at home day. Nolan went to visit grandma and grandpa for a while. Jacob bought a new lawn mower. I did chores, played with Milo and finally started our family handprint art project. That night, Jacob and I watched a movie while I worked on Nolan’s third birthday party, which is less than two weeks away.

Monday night, Jacob and I finally got a proper night out. (We saw Harry Potter last month, but our last real date was way back in May). We grabbed dinner at my favorite burger place (Blazing Onion) and then saw Daniel Tosh! He's so hilarious!

It was a good weekend.

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