Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Cheers & Jeers

Missed vol. 1? check it out here.

Cheers to Megan Mullaly joining Happy Endings! This is one of my favorite new shows of last season. I also really loved Perfect Couples, but that one got cancelled. Megan will play Penny's mom in an episode. That's good casting. Here's hoping she gets more of a storyline.

Cheers to Suri’s Burn Book! I absolutely love it! It’s kinda mean, but so hilarious. The writer behind this tumblr page is brilliant.

Cheers to Project Runway All Stars! With weirdoes personalities and favorites like Austin Scarlett, Kara Janx, Rami Kashou, Sweet P and Kenley Collins, I’m pretty excited to watch this! It’ll have a new panel, but that’s ok. I’m not sure how much of Isaac Mizrahi I can stand though. I haven’t watched Project Runway since season 6, but I’ve got the last few episodes of the new season saved on TiVo right now. Is PR making a comeback?

Cheers to good movies! There are a ton of movies out this month that I want to see. Friends with Benefits, Crazy, Stupid, Love, The Change-Up, The Help, One Day, Glee 3D, Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark and Our Idiot Brother. I’m not saying these are cinematic masterpieces, but I still want to see them.

Cheers to Zac Efron filming Paperboy in New Orleans! He looks cute wandering around town. That is all.

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Jeers to celebrity divorce coverage. Jennifer Lopez is the latest face to cover tabloid magazines regarding her divorce. Why are people so fascinated by this? I don’t want to hear about their rumored arguments, how they are getting back at each other, custody disputes, and who gets what money, house, car, etc. Divorce has got to be one of the hardest things anyone can go through. Leave them alone!

Jeers to Facebook. I’m so annoyed lately. Even more than usual. Some people are so stupid and I find myself picking fights after they post a dumb status update (only because they are wrong!). I know, I'm ridiculous. I really want to delete it, but I keep up with family and friends from all over the world through it. I did a major delete today of the people I can’t stand or don’t really know anymore. I think I just need a big break and in the meantime I’ve got to start getting to know Google+.

Jeers to Paris Hilton’s 14th fragrance. Is there really a need for fourteen? I guess can’t hate too much; I have three of Britney’s. I’ve never smelled any of Paris’s, have you?

Jeers to the Dirty Dancing remake. NO! No, no, no, no, no, no, no. They’ve already gone and screwed with my beloved Footloose. Please leave this one alone. Patrick is probably rolling over in his grave.

Jeers to date night/vacation withdrawal. Before Jacob and I had kids, Wednesday night was our weekly date night and we went on at least two vacations every year. I know that things slow down when you have kids. We were fully aware of that when we planned on having children. In the beginning my parents were very hands on, but they’ve had three foster kids (all under five years old) for almost two years now. The kids are relatives and their mom is an unfit parent. I don’t complain about it because they are doing something wonderful and selfless for three kids who had a horrible life. But I can’t help thinking…what about their grandchildren? They are missing out on everything. And since my in-laws don’t help at all, we never have a babysitter for an occasional date night and we haven’t had a vacation since last August. I’m in need of some alone/adult/relaxing time away with my husband!!!

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