Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cold Treats

It hit 85 degrees in Seattle this weekend! Saturday was the warmest day of the year. And today? Oh, it's 75 and sprinkling. But I'm not ready to give up on summer just yet. Let's talk about cold treats.

When I was a kid, these were my favorites:

1. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle popsicles. Our favorite ice cream man treat. Complete with bubble gum eyes!
2. Ice cream sandwiches. These were always a reward at school.
3. Otter Pops. Everyone slurped on these all summer. They hurt my throat and made me cough though.
4. Generic twin popsicles. My mom bought a giant bag with like 15 flavors. My favorite was root beer!
5. DQ Blizzards. I always had Butterfinger. We also used to make our own at home during slumber parties.
6. Orange and vanilla swirl ice cream cups. Remember that little wooden spoon thing?
7. Slurpees. We lived near a 7-11 and always walked down the hill to get one on hot, lazy summer days.
8. A&W Root beer Floats. Such a fun summer time dessert. We made these at home sometimes too.

As an adult, these are my favorites:

1. Gelato. So rich and creamy and delicious. My favorite place to get it is at Gelatiamo.
2. Red Mango. My toppings are raspberries, yogurt chips and almond slivers. I’m so mad we don’t live near one anymore.
3. DQ Peanut Buster Parfait. No more Blizzards for me. This is like a grown up sundae.
4. Strawberry margaritas. My favorite summertime alcoholic beverage.
5. Jamba Juice. I always get Razzmatazz with an antioxidant boost.
6. Whole Fruit Frozen Organic Juice. We buy these cases at Costco and enjoy them all summer.
7. Baskin Robins cone. My favorite is Pralines and Cream in a cake cone.
8. Snow Cones. We don’t have shaved ice or snowballs here, but these ice crystals covered in flavored syrup do just fine.

Here are some recipes I found that I'd love to try at home.

I already have the molds.

This would be such a fun dessert after a barbecue.

Blood orange, tangarine and white grapefruit. Tangy!

 What a great idea! Just remember to use flat root beer or it won't freeze.

But these are the ones I really want to try!

A classic creamsicle with citron vodka. Yum...vodka.

Super easy! Dixie cups, popsicle sticks and Mike’s Hard Lemonade Strawberry Margarita.

The perfect summer drink becomes the perfect summer snack!

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