Friday, August 5, 2011

True Life: I’m a general life blogger

Today, I’m linking up with the Mrs Monologues/Fabulous But Evil blog party.

Hi! I’m Christina.

I live in a suburb of Seattle and I’m a stay at home mom to two boys. Nolan is almost three and Milo just turned six months old. Nolan drives me crazy with his insane amount of energy but he’s super smart and pretty adorable. Milo is a dream baby. He loves to eat, sleep, smile and play. Don’t worry, this isn’t a mom blog, but I do talk about them every once in a while.

Jacob is my husband. We met when we were 9, became best friends in high school, started dating in college and got married just about five years ago. I love him.

He is all outdoorsy and athletic. We couldn’t be more opposite. I love reading, musicals, music, concerts, movies, television and would rather just sit back (preferably indoors) and be entertained. Opposites attract, right? We do have a few things in common. We love to travel and did our fair share before we had kids. We love watching ice hockey and supporting our WHL team, the Everett Silvertips. We also go to UW Husky football and Seattle Mariners games. We really love Disneyland and try to visit once a year. And we love getting out with our boys, exploring the Pacific Northwest.

Thanks for stopping by!

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