Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sun 6th May: Corrie Williamson Open Studio

One of my favourite jewellers Corrie Willimason opened the doors to her work space this weekend as part of an organised Open studio event. Her pieces were on show along with neighbours inc. printmakers / bookmakers / upholsterers / kinetic artist and portraits on a large format camera in a new workshop facility. This is just the first function for her family of creatives occupying Glyn road with more to follow......... to find out more see her facebook fanpage.

To see close up shots of her workshop from my feature last year, click here.
To buy Corrie's covetable pieces, see No One.

(I have included a photo of Corri here from a project "Portrait to self-portrait" by Antonio Nodar who takes a shot of artist and gives them the print to re-work)

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