Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sewer Treatment Plant in Pana?

Lake Atitlan - sewer treatment plant in Pana?

Catherine S. Todd Sun, May 2, 2010 at 2:04 PM
To: EKO-TEC Canada ,
EKO-TEC Canada
Solar Aquatics System (SAS)
Kim Rink, President
Patrick Meyer, Chief Operations Officer
office phone: 778-298-6835, office fax: 778-298-6836

I thought I'd contact you directly with the questions I've sent to Sid Eischenbach regarding solutions for the cyanobacteria polluting Lake Atitlan in Guatemala, where I live part time. Your Solar Aquatics System (SAS) system looks phenomenal, and surely must be "the wave of the future." Let me know if you are involved and what I can do to help.

Sincerely, Catherine Todd (contact and links below)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Catherine S. Todd
Date: Sun, May 2, 2010 at 10:05 AM
Subject: Sewer treatment plant in Pana?
To: sid eschenbach
Cc: Carlos Funk , Roger Stringham , George Nippo

Dear Sid,

I'm would like to help build sewer treatment plants for Lake Atitlan. People said last time I was there recently that "someone had already started on a sewer treatment plant for Pana, and had already poured the foundation." If this is true, I figured it had to be you. I don't know if money is still needed for this project, but I assume it is.

I'm considering ways of doing fundraising to build treatment plants for all 12 villages around the lake, using the same successful techniques I'm using to raise money for schools & families around the lake. I don't ask for donations, but develop businesses that provide work and income for everyone concerned. So far, so good. These same practices could easily be turned toward building sewer treatment plants for Lake Atitlan.

For installation of sewer treatment plants, I'm looking at Eko-Tek in Canada who uses a Solar Aquatics System (SAS):

"ECO-TEK is an environmental leader in handling wastewater through purely biological means."

"Reusing wastewater as a Resource"

Solar Aquatics downloads, info & tech sheets:

Havana Project Description: Urban sewage collection systems flow by gravity to creeks and streams of the Havana Metropolitan Park. A pilot “aquaculture” waste treatment facility is being designed and built to reclaim this wastewater for reuse as irrigation water for organic urban agriculture and to grow flowers for export to Canada.

Do you know, or is there a better one? I've attached their information pdf. From what I've read, they plant orchards and gardens through their chemical-free, odorless system in the middle of towns, using unskilled labor with an installation cost of as little as $150,000.00 and $2,000.00 per year or less for simple maintenance. I've attached a pdf for their project in Havana:

It sounds very do-able for all the villages around Lake Atitlan, using unskilled labor with low-cost installation and maintenance. Some day all sewer systems may be like this.

The problem of toxic cyano-bacteria in Lake Atitlan is getting a lot of media attention, but is there an actual group or agency that is doing something as yet? Any updates to articles I've found so far?

31 Oct 2009:

5 March 2010: Atitlan Community: Why Lakes are Like Black Holes (and what we can do about it) - Sidney Eschenbach
7 April 2010: Lake Atitlan Guatemala Health-Green Cyanobacteria Algae ...
The Guatemala Times has just released an excellent in depth article explaining what is going on with the cyanobacteria in Lake Atitlan. ...

Group report & updates by : (some pages not found, dates?)

It may be that the problem is already in hand and a solution has been found, and further contributions will not be necessary. If this is true, please let me know. I hope so! If not, I am happy to help.

I'll be back at the end of May through the month of June. Hope everything is going well, and say "hi" to Jan for me.

Yours, Catherine Todd

Catherine Todd
3007 Bent Tree Dr. Oxford NC 27565
H 919.693.0853 U.S. cell 919.605.0727

Guatemalan Arts & Crafts (GAC)
Panajachel, Lake Atitlan
Guatemala cell (dial 011 from the U.S.):
(502) 5013.6300

For 2010:

"The winds of grace blow all the time. All we need do is set our sails."
~ Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa ~ Gospel of Ramakrishna

Peace and justice are goals for man.
~ Mahatma Gandhi

John 16:33. "In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart, for I have overcome the world"

2 attachments
Solar Aquatics System (SAS).jpg

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