Monday, May 24, 2010

"Boys are like stars, there are millions of them out there, bbut only one can make your dreams come true" Courtney Conner

Debate today was fun as usual. LOL. Burped in siew ying's face when it was my turn to rebutt. I think that was the best point i made cause she was stunned. Proposition owned again. Please take my kitkat. AND YOU KNOW SOMETHING? 04 WAS 10 MINUTES EARLY FOR PE TODAY. OWW MAIII GAWD. But the bloody sun today was freaking hot la. Morning pe felt like afternoon pe. Everybody was literally baking. And the obvious thing? I cheated. As usual too. Like duh. Talked with 04 girls after pe while cooling down. =) Gossips...
04 Chalet confirmed finally!!! Wednesday, June 16, at Aloha Changi, Netheravon Terrace E! =D Thanks pekpek for booking! Sho looking forward to it! But theres like chem and math make up lecture on the second week of june hols.=/ Heh.
I'm happy today. Okay not today but now yeah. =)

And now i wanna say,

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MR LEOW!!! Please find a girlfriends or wife soon and dun turn gay. ._.

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