Thursday, May 20, 2010

Open Letter to Lindsay Lohan

(I got this amazing idea and inspiration from Hotpants™ over at Handbags and Handguns)

Dear Linsday,
When you started out as a child star you were oh so cute and clearly talented.

As a teen, you starred in three very successful films, back to back, including one of my favorite movies of all time, Mean Girls.

You started popping up all over looking absolutely adorable.

 You went on to record two albums,

star in a couple more movies,

dye your hair a bunch of times,

and flex your acting chops as supporting characters in a few flicks.

During that time, you lost your “baby weight” and didn’t look so great anymore.

Pictures surfaced of you looking completely out of it.

Then these beauties showed something was clearly wrong.

You stopped singing and acting and started modeling.

Then you threw in a couple mug shots,

plus these “artistic” photos,


and now you've got a real mess on your hands. Right now you are in Cannes trying to make a movie about a porn star. Classy. You've just signed on for a stupid 3D horror movie. Really? This morning you're missing your court date because you're stuck in France with a missing passport. Lindsay, GET YOUR SH*T TOGETHER! I was such a huge fan of yours. I know child stars don’t always turn out the greatest, and I’ll never understand what you have gone through, plus you have nutzo parents, but you are talented and beautiful and you need to refocus. Go to court, finish your sentence, ditch your “friends” and make better choices! If Britney can do it, so can you.

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