Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Went straight for KBOX today after school with Dajie, Sanjie, Sijie and Liumei. Wait for 86 till veh dulan loh. Liumei poned sch today(tsk tsk...) sho we met her at interchange. Smuggled McDonald's and Subway into KBOX. Camwhored like crazy and sang like idiots. Sang till 6plus and left to shop for wushu shoe's shoelaces at amk hub. Ended up with us buying 7 pairs of bright orange laces and me buying additional checkered laces for my converse, sanjie buying bling bling iphone cover and a sibei cute case to put her GC. Headed home after that.
Tmr's cross country, and looking forward to BBQ farewell party for Mr Ong. He's damn sweet. Prepared cards for everyone of us. Gonna miss him...

Ahh...uploading photos neow. Gonna take some time tagging ppl. Bye. =)

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