Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Today was as usual, tutorials, lectures and breaks. I <3 soya bean. Random. But AJ's soya bean is diluted. =/ Sadded.

Went to yishun for lunch with ngo ngo, Ojayy and hilmi after sch then headed home while they go for shooting training. Fell asleep on the bus.
Do not have a good feeling bout today's econs test even though i stayed up late to study after training ytd. Tchers, its not that i dont wanna study. If i dont. Why am i in AJ. I'll continue trying so chill. I've promised him i'll work hard. I will.

Before i forget,

Congratulations to: Alicia Jie for vice-captain! Ying Feng jie for Quatermaster! Audrey mei for secretary! Shaun seah for Captain! Alson for treasurer! =D

Congratulations to Kor, Hilmie and WeiLin as the newly appionted class leaders! =D
Freaking shagged right now...

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