Thursday, May 27, 2010

Blog Award!

My first blog award! Thank you so much, Lacey (, you are the sweetest.

With this award, I’m supposed to tell you seven facts about myself. Let’s see…

1. This week I watched every single appearance Jake Gyllenhaal made on TV to promote his upcoming movie, Prince of Persia.
Obsessed much? Stay tuned for my post about it all. Some of it was pretty funny.

2. I really, really like rainy days (good thing I live in Seattle). It makes the warm, sunny days that much more worthwhile.

3. Lately my dessert of choice is a McDonalds hot fudge sundae - with nuts. Classy!

4. I’ve been going to Disneyland with the same group of friends (without our kids) every year for the past five years.
We haven’t gone in a year and a half because everyone’s schedules have been conflicting.
So far, we don’t have any thing planned and I’m feeling the itch!!!

5. I saw the Queen of England and Pope Benedict XVI when I went to Europe in 2007.

6. Every day for breakfast I have a Fiber One bar and a glass of V8 Fusion Light. I’m so surprised that I’m not sick of it yet.

7. The first CD I bought was the soundtrack to Aladdin. I still have it and it’s still one of my favorites!

Now I’m passing the award on to three of my favorite bloggers, besides Lacey of course!

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