Friday, May 21, 2010

Five Queston Friday

I’m playing along with Mama M. and Five Question Friday.

1. Do you have an iPhone and, if so, how do you get apps and what are your favorites?
Yes, and I love it! I get apps from iTunes or from the apps store on my phone. Right now my favorites are facebook, ovulation calendar (I think we’re going to start trying for baby #2) and bejeweled 2. I also can't live without the calendar already included! My son also has a ton of apps on my phone.

2. What is your fondest memory of K-3rd grade?
This isn’t my fondest memory, but it’s a pretty hilarious one. In third grade all the girls liked a boy named Jason. He had a different “girlfriend” every week. One week, I guess it was my turn. He asked me out, I said yes, and we held hands at recess for a few days. He even came to play on my street one day after school. I got sick and had to stay home from school on Thursday and Friday. When I came back to school on Monday, my friend told me he broke up with me because I wasn’t there. I think I shrugged my shoulders and headed for the monkey bars with her. Kids are too funny!

3. What makes you cringe at the thought of touching?
Fish! I hate fish. I don’t like to look at them, swim near them, eat them, smell them and especially touch them. Slimy little creeps. Or anything with 6-8 legs. Duh.

4. If you could have any celebrity show up on your doorstep who would it be and why?
Jake Gyllenhaal, so I could bone him! If you are new to my blog and you go read my past posts, you’ll be able to tell I’m obviously (insanely? obsessively?) in love with him. My husband doesn’t mind and Jake is on my “list” so if he ever did show up, we’d be getting down. After a nice, long, insightful conversation of course.

He is beautiful!

5. What would you say is your best physical feature?
My eyes. They are grey, but change color with the weather or what I’m wearing. Sometimes they are really dark grey and other times bright blue or even green. What a great accessory! I like ’em.
(grey)                                     (green)


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