Tuesday, May 18, 2010

See the world

It's Top Two Tuesday with The Undomestic Momma. Today's topic is the top two things you want to do before you die.

Both of mine have to do with travel.

1. Visit all seven continents. I really, really want to do a world cruise. Holland America has a 108-day itinerary and even visits Antarctica: "The itinerary then takes a turn toward the ultimate southern destination - Antarctica, which includes the Wilhelm Archipelago, South Shetland Islands and Antarctic Sound." I have to admit I'm a little terrified of the idea of hitting an iceberg (Titanic style) but I think it would be breathtaking.

2. Visit all fifty states with my husband. I've been to about twenty five and he has been to quite a few as well, but not all the same ones and not at the same time. So I want to do it together. As of now, we've been to thirteen.

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