Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday Fives

This week's Friday Fives is Five Random Questions, brought to you by:

Just Me and My Life

1. Are you a MAC or a PC?
I’m not sure. I love my iphone, ipod, itunes and I’m pretty sure I would love a Mac, but they are expensive and I have a perfectly good PC right now.

2. If you could go anywhere on vacation this summer where would you go?
The vacation I want to go on all the time is to South Africa. I want to visit some friends we have in Johannesburg and Cape Town and then go on an African Safari. I’ve been wanting to do that for the last eight years. Now if I could only convince my husband to get all those shots…

We do have a vacation to Los Angeles planned. We’ll be seeing Rent at the Hollywood bowl, hitting Universal Studios and relaxing on the beach, kid-free!

3. Which is your most cherished childhood memory?
I cherish the memories of the summer at our property on a little lake spending time with extended family and especially my grandma. She was out there every weekend in the summer and we were invited every time.

This was taken about three years ago. We're nerds.

4. What were you doing the last time that you had a good laugh?
Taking this video. "Nuths!"

5. What is your favorite book or magazine? (We need some beach read ideas)
My favorite magazine of all time is Us Weekly. I’ve been a subscriber for seven years. It never gets old. For a good beach read, I think any of the Chelsea Handler books are a great choice. Her chapters are just different hilarious stories so it’s easy to pick up and put down whenever you want.

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