Saturday, May 29, 2010

Was busy finding new songs for my mixpod. And i think my favourite singers are kelly clarkson and clay aiken. Their voice is just. Good. Love their songs. Do listen to em on my mixpod! =D Cross country & 04 BBQ was last friday! Had 2 lectures & one tutorial in the morning. I can tell you. 80% of the ppl in the audi is either sleeping or not giving a shit bout wad the lecturer is saying. Some even pon-ed loh. Went to change, eat then took mrt to pasir ris. Camwhored like crazy luh. I think u can combine miao miao's and veron's uploaded photos on fb and it'll be over 500. The weather was freakin hot and i think some students fainted. Thank god 04 dint give a shit and stayed in the shade. The MCs are kinda retarded too. They say 'pls hydrate urselves', eh excuse me do we look like we have our H2O with us when u want us to sit under the pucking hot sun in single column. Anyway we girls walked the entire 3.2km in like 46 minutes. We're not the last okay... Tio gan by seniors i saw along the way. =/ Oops. Had bout 100 packets of FREE H2O for our BBQ later on cause the school couldnt finish em. Never had so much drinks in my life. Only Mr Ong came for the BBQ though. =( Sad that he's leaving already... ah... At least he took some photos with us. We. Crapped. Laughed. Camwhored. Told ghost stories. Went home. Damn shagged. I miss 04 already... Shall share some of the photos here. =)

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