Sunday, May 2, 2010

ECO-TEK Solar Aquatics System on YouTube

ECO-TEK Solar Aquatics Systems:

Solar Aquatics Systems provide an opportunity to recover resources and reduce our water pollution thereby reducing our collective ecological footprint.
A Solar Aquatics System is designed to duplicated the natural purifying process of fresh water streams, meadows and wetlands. Using greenhouses and solariums to enhance the growth of algae, plants, bacteria and aquatic animals, sewage flows through a series of tanks, engineered streams, and constructed marshes where contaminants are metabolized or bound up.
Water is reusable for irrigation and flushing toilets.

See YouTube videos about ECO-TEK:

1. Solar Aquatics featured on Healthy Homes

patrickemeyer — April 01, 2009 — ECO-TEK Ecological Technologies was featured on Healthy Homes with their Solar Aquatics System they build in Errington, British Columbia, Canada. In 2009 they build a much larger cold weather system in Cynthia, Alberta.
Category: Science & Technology
ECO-TEK solar aquatics wastewater waste water sewage recycle reuse water sustainability

2. CBC News report on the Solar Aquatics system build in Bear River NS (1990)

Solar Aquatics system build in Bear River Nova Scotia back in 1990 was wildly successful servicing not only the town's sewage processing needs but attracting thousands of interested tourists.

3. Solar Aquatics systems build by Ecological Engineering Associates

Ecological Engineering Associates build a series of Solar Aquatic facilities in the United States through the 1990s. ECO-TEK, working in cooperation, has further developed and adapted the technology to the Canadian climate.

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