Saturday, December 11, 2010

Weekend reflection: Whatipu Beach
We went on an outing, driving on a long winding metal road and then walked miles and miles. This is a beach with lots of surfs and rips. Surfing is not recommended because of the dangerous rips. The sand is black because of the rich iron content.

It is a scientific reserve and Friends of the Whatipu help manage the reserve. The Whatipu area is a Scientific Reserve owned by the Department of Conservation and managed on behalf by the Auckland Regional Council.

It is a spectacular area of coastal dunes and wetlands. It is also the breeding ground for endangered species such as the New Zealand Dotterel. Due to its status as a scientific reserve no dogs are permitted at Whatipu.
NZ dotterels live on sandy beaches in the northern half of the North Island, with a tiny population of about 60 on Stewart Island.
• They are endemic – only found in New Zealand
• Their total population is 1700 birds – that’s not very many!
• They are an ‘endangered’ species, meaning that they are likely to become extinct without our help.

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