Sunday, December 19, 2010

Photohunt: Male

Next year, New Zealand will host the Rugby World Cup. Those of you who watch Rugby would have seen our very MALE All Black players perform the Haka before every game.

Haka is almost performed before important visitors and fare welling love ones at their funeral.

Haka are best described as challenges. They are used to make a point and to vent anger. They are performed by both men and women, with the focus on the men in the front and support from the women behind. They are vocal performances involving rhythmic declamation in triple metre and aggressive or challenging facial expressions (pūkana, literally "glaring"), body movements and demeanour. The men make heavy use of foot stamping, body percussion, and grimace in an attempt to appear as menacing as possible. Haka are often described as traditional war dances but in fact had many other uses as well in precolonial Māori society, and have many peaceful uses today.

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