Thursday, December 23, 2010

What a Grinch

Christmas is approaching and I'm pretty excited, but I’m feeling kind of grinchy about a few things. Let me vent.

The Golden Girls. Everyone talks about it, everyone still watches reruns and no one can believe that I don’t like it. I just don’t. I remember hating it as a kid when my grandma watched it. Then I remember hating it when my college roommates watched it. I mean, we were in college, supposed to be having the time of our lives and there they were, watching some senior citizens get more action than they were! I still have friends who watch it all day long on whatever channel it is that runs constant marathons. I finally tuned in the other day to see if I was totally missing out on something. Nope. It’s still dumb.

Self (or mirror) photos as Facebook profile pictures. I can’t stand it. It’s happening a lot lately from some of my single "friends" who I guess are trying to use Facebook as a dating site. They get dressed up for a night out (or for a night in just for an "impromptu" photo shoot) and snap a few photos of themselves with a phone, camera or webcam. Just take pictures with your friends when you are out! It looks a lot less desperate, especially because you are over 30 years old! Just for the record, I’m totally ok with self shots when there are more than one person in the photo. I do these all the time. Who else is going to capture your moments?

(I got these all from google images)

Facebook status updates that are fishing for questions or compliments. Examples that I took from my facebook friends just today are: "I can’t believe that just happened," "Dammit," "Feeling fat," or "Sad." It’s so annoying! They just want people to ask, "What’s wrong?" or "Are you ok?"  I’m over it!

Auto music players on blogs. A lot of people have this lately with Christmas music loaded up. I like to have the TV on in the background or listen to my iTunes while I’m surfing the net and catching up with you lovely ladies. But I constantly get festive music blaring out! It’s really bad when I open up a few tabs and they’ve all got different songs going on.

Stupid movies. What happened to all the amazing movies that used to come out around Christmas time? This year we get Yogi Bear, Little Fockers, Tron and The Tourist. They all look awful! If I wanted to see anything good that comes out this month (Black Swan, Rabbit Hole, The King's Speech, All Good Things, Blue Valentine), I have to wait a few weeks for those independent movies to hit our local theaters. Stupid!

Whew! I feel better for getting that off my chest. Now I've got to get back to my cheery self.

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