Tuesday, December 7, 2010


'Donación del Pueblo de Guatemala al Pueblo de Costa Rica', Intervention by Buro de Intervenciones Publicas in an empty lot neighbouring Des Pacio Gallery, the re-tropicalisation of the forgotten

exterior of Des Pacio Gallery

Byron Marmol, Photographs

Stefan Benchoam, S.T. (Homage to Félix), Documentation

Stefan Benchoam, Tape Modern, Sculpture

Proyectos Ultravioleta is a platform for experimentation in contemporary art, located in the centre of Guatemala City, Guatemala. Proyectos Ultravioleta works in many ways. On one hand they house a physical space where they showcase exhibitions, concerts, and parties. On the other, the collaborating artists work on various projects outside of the gallery space, which include public interventions and selected commissions. Additionally, Proyectos Ultravioleta also publishes El Terrible, an art and literature fanzine. Ultravioleta are Stefan Benchoam, Juan Brenner and Byron Mármol

The Buró de Intervenciones Públicas (Bureau of Public Interventions, BIP) is a collaborative project by Stefan Benchoam and Christian Ochaita that originated as a direct response to the lack of public spaces and infrastructures for recreation and socialization in Guatemala City, Guatemala. Their work incorporates various elements of architecture, art, design, and urbanism, hoping to modify the way in which citizens relate with the open spaces of their cities. Their projects encourage the use of public spaces through playful elements and unusual occurrences, and are developed through their collaboration with other artists, collectives and people in general. The interventions and occurrences that they organize can be read as Situationist gestures that generate reflection and debate about their city. On the other hand, each one is presented as a viable solution to the lack of initiative from the municipal and central government agencies.

Des Pacio is a gallery and project space located in San Jose, Costa Rica, it is a project by artist Federico Herrero with curator Clara Astiasaran.

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