Friday, July 2, 2010

weekend reflections: Road corner safety mirrors.

Once I was almost in an accident. The road round the building was at ninety degrees. I was driving on my side of the road and approaching the junction. The car from the opposite direction veered to my side of the road. I braked in time, otherwise we would have been in a head on collision.

The driver was either in shock or she was such an irresponsible driver, she did not get out of the car to say sorry. Because we were living in the same residential area, and I was a professor's wife, I did not let out a string of expletives at her.

My friends said they too had encountered the same trouble with her. she drives very fast. I was told both of us did not use the round mirror. Otherwise this won't have happened.

Whenever I see such a mirror, I remember I must look at it.

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