Thursday, July 22, 2010

Skywatch Friday: Clouds, clouds and more clouds

You can't see the sky today. It was covered with grey clouds.

On my door, you see this sticker which tells unwanted visitor that I am a member of the neighbourhood watch. In New Zealand, the residents and the police join hand in hand in this neighbourhood support. Burglars beware, my neighbours and I are nosy parkers. We mind each others' business.

There's nothing much to sing about the weather unless you like to sing in the rain. There was so much rain, and the Sky Tower was shrouded by clouds.

I went to see the faces behind the sign I have at my door. The neighbourhood support sign. Johannes came to my site as he was interested in using one of my photos I had of my community. He invited me to meet with him. It was drizzling, but heavy enough to get my hair wet.

There, he introduced me to Barry Hyde, the Community Liaison of the New Zealand Police who is also the Chairman, Avon Lines, the Deputy Chairperson and Johannes Dimyadi, the editor of Neighbourhood Support New Zealand

Neighbourhood Support works closely with the Police and many other organisations in your community to reduce crime, improve safety and prepare to deal with emergencies and natural disasters.

Neighbourhood Support aims to make our homes, streets, neighbourhoods and communities safer and more caring places in which to live.

Ka pai, paki paki or good job to Barry, Avon and Johannes.

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