Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Stop telephonin’ me

When I was younger we had a phone just like this one:

Then we upgraded to one like this, with an answering machine. Awesome!

Finally, in 7th grade I got my own phone! I loved my clear phone with fluorescent wiring!

Then my mom came home with a cordless phone and we thought it was the coolest. She was always mad though because I would leave it upstairs in my in my room with a dead battery.

In 10th grade I got my own cordless and I kept this purple beauty all through college!

In high school, I got a pager. I know, I know, but come on, you all had one too…right? (What was my obsession with clear?)

When I was 18, I got my first cell phone for Christmas. My mom worked (and still does) for AAA and thought it was a great thing to have on me to keep tabs and stay safe in my car. Only one rule: I HAD to answer if she called. It was this exact one:

In college I upgraded to the Nokia 5110. EVERYONE had this phone. Mine was purple, you know, to be unique.

Then, along with everyone else, I upgraded that to a Nokia 3310. I had navy blue.

I was so jealous when friends slowly started getting flip phones. I had to have one! My Samsung SGH-X427 was SO COOL with it’s colored screen.

Then I needed phone that could play music and take pictures, duh. I got a Samsung Sync.

And now I’m on my latest cell, my iPhone. I’ve had it for almost two years and I don’t know how I’ve lived without it all this time. It’s never more than three feet away from me.

I plan on upgrading to iPhone 4 as soon as my contract is up. Does anyone else have it yet? How awesome is it?

I have to say, I kind of miss the flip phone. There was nothing more gratifying than flipping it closed when you were irritated with the person on the other end of the call. Hahaha.

Take a look at some of these other phones throughout time. Did you have any of them?


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