Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday Fives

Just Me and My Life

Five things on my wish list.

1. Dyson Air Multiplier
Have you seen this fan? I don’t actually need one. We have three air conditioners! But it's so cool and I wouldn’t mind a bed side table fan. Dyson uses different technology than a typical fan. It draws in air and amplifies it fifteen times without blades or a grille. It’s safe for kids, doesn’t collect dust and is easy to clean.

2. Nook 3G + Wi-Fi
I can’t bring myself to buy a Nook no matter how much I want one because I don’t buy many books. I read a ton and borrow from the library a few times a month. I also donate quite a bit to the library each year, which makes me feel better than paying for books I’ll only read once. I heard that many libraries are checking out digital copies that are compatible with the Nook but not the Kindle. Mine has already started, but there aren’t many books available. Since technology is changing so quickly, I’m sure they’ll all be digital soon and then I’ll have to get an e-reader. But for now it’s just sitting on my wish list.

And when I get the Nook I want this adorable case for it. It’s plain and simple, just my style.

I have loved this sterling silver vintage skeleton key necklace for so long. I would love the customized initials to say “JHM” for my hubby. So cute!

5. Etsy Gift Card
I know it doesn’t exist, but I want one. As I type this, the foundation is being laid for our brand new house. It’s 3500 square feet, a third bigger than our old house and four times the size of the apartment we’ve been living in for the past five months. I’ve been browsing Etsy for tons of decorating ideas and I would love to have endless money to spend on everyone’s creations.

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