Thursday, July 29, 2010

Photohunt: Public
I had to wreck my brain before I came up with my interpretation.
At a local market place at Wesley Park, a camera crew was filming a celebrety talking to some stall holders. I guess they are filming in public. And I took their photo in public.

This is almost a public notice in Singapore. I was with the Cat Cafe, and hence connected to the Cat welfare society. Such a callous person. In the old days, he will be flogged in public.

Caution Against Fraudulent Adopters
The Singapore Police Force has recently concluded an investigation with the help of the Cat Welfare Society against a fraudulent person that had utilised CWS's Adoption Bulletin for personal gain & cheating.

The rat bag on false pretenses obtained 8 kittens and sold them on online.

The SPF, in consultation with Attorney-General' s Chambers, has decided that a stern warning be administered to the accused in lieu of prosecution. On 16 July 2010, the accused was warned by the Chief Investigation Officer.

While we are disappointed with this conclusion, we continue to be on the vigilance as a second offense would be looked upon with severity.

When possible, it is best to deliver the kittens/cats to the adopters' residence. Please conduct at least one home visit after adoption to ensure the well being of the cat.

If it is your first time as a foster or you would like some advice, please email info@catwelfare. org. Please also inform us if you come across any suspicious potential adopters.

This also reminded me that the SPCA discovered some people were coming to adopt stray dogs regularly. After checking, SPCA found that these people were not adopting the dogs as pets. Instead the dogs were destined for the pot. This became public knowledge, and the SPCA checks became more stringent.

Addition: From, memory, strayed cats rescued by the Cat Cafe and Cat Welfare are spayed or neutered and mirco chipped. This incurs a cost of about $100 per cat by the cat cafe. This cost is not passed on to the adopters. That is why people will want to adopt these cats.

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