Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Finally get to use my com after four days since the singtel guy who came to renew my mio contract screwed my internet connections and phone lines. Mum totally kao bei the singtel lines till they siao sia. Sunday was my papa's birthday! And so was Arsal's. So, HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY PAPA!!! & HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARSAL! =) Hope you'll be healthy and safe always, on or off the road. Went to Ding Tai Feng with my family along with jiejie's boyfriend to celebrate, then ate dessert at some dessert shop and went window shopping. I suppose my parents dint understand the term 'window shopping' cause they bought an LED tv. Papa was really happy sho i guess he got his birthday wish? Hee! Its coming this friday to my living room. MUahahah... Oh yeah. Went tuition last sat. Eh i think it was rather okay since i got what the gay-ish tcher was saying at the end of the lesson. But i still got his homework to complete. Shit. Tried to complete ytd after school with Ojayy, Retard and Dabor in school library but completed less than a quarter? Went hawker centre eat after that.

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