Tuesday, July 27, 2010

what goes around comes around
forget me nots
red string reminders tied around your index finger
things you promised
things you will always remember
people you forgot
and how easily it will be to see things make a full circle
not now
but in the distant future
you could be surrounded by thousands
and loved by only your family
and the people you gave up
were choices you made
i hope you find happiness
somewhere in an open hand
because this once open soul has closed its window
the song playing on the tape deck
has already looped around a couple times
and the words have lost their meaning
people come and go
rooms will fill and empty
i saw us holding hands in the center
but then it all faded and i was left
regretting the death of a friend
i did not spend enough time with
and how i miss him and what he would say if he were standing
right before me now
"and now you know"
was something so painful to accept when i could not hear it
muttered through closed lips
on the opposite sides of stucco walls
that we shared in the summer.

how i long to remember a triad of laughter and truly peaceful companionship.
i wonder if its duality will cease to exist for another eternity.

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