Friday, May 14, 2010


This video surfaced a few days ago showing Jake promoting Prince of Persia and attending an after party in Moscow. He's dancing and chatting it up with a lot of the ladies. He’s so gorgeous but kind of terrible. He’s so cute and fun and happy, it doesn’t really matter how he dances, does it? Not to me! I’d dance with him all night! He doesn’t take himself too seriously which is just another thing I love about him.

And then there's this hilarious video where Jake explains the pronunciation of his last name.

One more clip and it’s an oldie but a goodie. Jake appeared on Ellen in 2007 to help celebrate her 400th episode. I remember TiVoing this episode and watching the interview about fifty times before my husband “accidentally” deleted it. If you aren’t as obsessed with him as I am, skip ahead to 8:40 to watch his Inuit duet with Ellen. You will laugh!

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