Thursday, May 13, 2010

Screw cross country. I'm not gonna run for it. No way. PE today was gossip session with weilin again. =) Hahas totally different perspective of her everytime we talk. Congrats to chenyan for passing her i-pull finally!!! =D
Physics new lecturer was pucking monotonous. Pucking dozing off while Trex helped me copy and highlight notes. Thanku Thats a bonus for you. However throwing my comb and bottle like a javelin stick onto the track is not exactly nice. So a minus for u.
Stayed back after pe with the same usual ppl to crap. Saw a snail on the way out of sch and i dont know whether we're doing it a favour by shifting it to the bushes or killing it. Sorry snail but its out of pure good intentions if anything happens to you. Neow, i think martin's singing is destructive. Feel like sai-ing his face everytime he yells la. -.- PW presentation tmr and i'm gonna imprompto. (dunno hw spell la) Good luck grp members. Lets die tgt tmr.
Lots of things happened this week and i've been thinking a lot. Hope everything turns out well. <3!>
Wu Shu Ex-co list coming out tmr, and kinda predicted who'll be captain. But still guessing who'll be vice. O.o Gonna be interesting. =D Love the wushu notice board too! Credits to Audrey mei, XueYun mei, Yaojia jie, Alicia Jie, Ying feng jie! Totally nicer than how it looks before. =p sry seniors! Thank you sisters for the birthday song and present on tues! =D Muacks! Guitar concert tmr too and i'll be going =) Eew but i think i'll stink after training. Shall bring an extra shirt. =/ JIAYOU MIAO MIAO!!! =DDD And kor, martin and penguin. ._.'' Physics 2hours tmr... T.T gonna go do my tutorial ler...if not Joy Tan will shoot me again. Buh bye!

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